• Dogs
  • Different Types Of Dog Poop

Different Types Of Dog Poop

By John DoeLast update: 2022-11-14

Every dog brush has a lifespan, and your dog's normal, healthy bowel movements may differ slightly from another dog's standards. Therefore, you should monitor your usual habits and bowel habits.

Sometimes pet owners and customers ask the meaning of their dog poop. Food is often the cause of fecal problems, but there are other factors that have nothing to do with food.

We have reviewed the different types of dog poop below.

1. Lao Sai - Watery stools (Diarrhea)

A common stool problem is liquid droplets. When you see your dog come out with a puddle of saliva, the underlying cause can be a variety of problems.

  • Food-related: sometimes your dog may not be able to accept or adapt to the sudden switch to a portion of new dog food. Although the food is new, it means that the transition is not gradual enough. Therefore, try feeding for an additional 1-2 days, while drastically reducing the amount of the new dog food or mixing it with the original food.

If the poop still does not improve, the new food should be stopped. As for the stool to improve in form and become firmer, that's great news.

You can then slowly increase the new portion until it completely replaces the original feed.

Your dog's case may be eating something he shouldn't, given the dog's unique body condition. This will require some food removal to screen for ingredients that are causing bowel problems.

  • Environment: changing the living environment also affects a pet's digestive problems.
  • Other types of consumption: May be caused by medication or by drinking water that is not suitable for drinking.
  • Early warning signs of illness or infection: there is a higher chance that dog poop represents a serious condition in the body.

Most people will take the "wait and see" approach, hoping the symptoms can get better. If the situation does not improve after 2-3 bowel movements, the veterinarian should be contacted directly.

You should give your dog some simple, steaming foods that are gentle on the stomach. Also consider steaming foods like broccoli and squash, along with meats your dog loves and mixing them. Teach your dog to eat a little more vegetables or starches because it is mainly to help purify the body and solidify the stool.

On the other hand, it is also possible to give some money and probiotics to help with indigestion, especially diarrhea.

2. Loose stools and soft (Loses shape when picked up)

If you see your dog suddenly have loose, soft stools, we have two questions.

First, about your sudden food change into your dog's diet. For the reason of the sudden switch from crumbs to fresh food. This sign is not a problem, but to be good for the dog's stomach, you should give your dog any food during the transition slowly, more slowly. Avoid stopping suddenly to avoid affecting the dog's health.

What's more, give it a few days and monitor the dog's poop. If stools are still loose, change the diet or start over by giving only the new food and keeping the existing food.

The second is the possibility of your dog consuming food that the body is not used to. This can be difficult to track, but it is an important process to remember before considering other measures. Even some pet owners worry about soft stools and stick to only one type of permanent food. This is also not recommended, because, to have a balanced and comprehensive diet over time, pets need to be more diverse in food intake.

Eating a variety of foods helps them develop healthy, elastic bodies and reduce the risk of allergies. If you are concerned about soft stools, feed your dog little by little and see if there are any adverse reactions before gradually increasing the amount.

Present foods, especially new foods, should be given less per meal. Take a few meals every few days and monitor the condition of your stools for a few days. If loose stools improve.

You can also add a small amount of cooked steamed pumpkin to new foods.

3. Very hard, pebble-like stools (Constipation)

Hard stools are not a good sign for your dog. But constipation also has many common reasons, the most common reason being due to diet, especially food with dry crumbs. If there is too much fiber in the diet and they do not contain water. Some dry food manufacturers even use sawdust to bind the pebbles.

  • Regarding food: dry dog food lacks moisture and is often too high in fiber.
  • Not enough water: the daily water supply also affects the dog's digestive system.
  • External body condition: due to inadequate grooming, especially on the rear end, is the loose hair near the back that makes pooping difficult.
  • Habitual reason: if your dog is not active enough, it is also the cause of hard stools.
  • More serious problems: Your dog could have an infection in his anal glands or a hard foreign object stuck in his intestinal tract, like bone, gravel, or plastic.

You should give your dog more water to drink. If your dog refuses to drink, you might consider adding some water to his favorite food or adding some vegetable broth and steamed meat.

Or you can also add some fiber like green leafy vegetables or mashed steamed pumpkin to your dog's food.

4. Poops in large amounts

The main reason for the large and large amount of manure is processed crushed rock. Because these Kibbles are usually high in carbohydrates and fiber, like soybeans, beet pulp, and rice husks. Calculating more carbohydrates and fiber means more stools.

If the body cannot absorb the food, it will be excreted in the form of feces. So, if your dog regularly passes a lot of poop, it could mean he's not absorbing enough food. Therefore, you need to examine and question the quality of the food.

5. Poop is very smelly

It might make sense to change the way food is prepared from ready-to-eat to homemade. Or you can try freeze-dried, raw, or dried options. At the same time, dogs that eat laterite tend to produce foul stools because they are not used to consuming large amounts of grains, starches, and some grain-free options containing peas and potatoes. Once these foods are not fully absorbed, the digestive system will not know what to do with the food and the dog will eventually excrete it in the form of feces.

6. Mucus in/around dog’s stool

If your dog's poop looks slimy with a layer of mucus-like substance surrounding it. This common problem can be caused by an inflamed colon or a mildly inflamed bowel, or it can be caused by parvovirus or parasite.

Be careful though, there's usually a chance the mucus clears up after a few bowel movements. If, after a few days, your dog's stools still contain mucus, contact your veterinarian directly.

Before that date, you should spend 1-2 days restoring the balance in your dog's body. If it doesn't get better, you should contact your veterinarian promptly.

7. Dog pooping blood

If you see blood in the dog's stool. The color can be bright red or dark red. Causes you can range from relatively minor to very serious.

In particular, the small problem is that the stool is too hard to cause abrasion when going out.

In severe cases, parasites or worms in the dog's body can cause wounds or ulcers, or tumors.

You can consider after 2-3 bowel movements that blood is still present, if you feel that is not possible see the vet.

8. Coprophagia – The dog is eating its poop

The medical name used to describe dogs eating their feces is coprophagia.

Some issues you need to pay attention to when your dog does this:

  • Behavior: The dog may be attention-seeking, overly bored, inspired by other dogs, or eating poop as a way to please them. Stressed dogs or cleanliness-loving dogs may also engage in poop eating.
  • Nutrition: A deficiency in certain nutrients such as enzymes or trace minerals is what causes dogs to eat their poop. Perhaps they are trying to supplement their nutrient needs by eating their droppings.

Medical Related - Due to parasites in the dog's body that are absorbing food inside the body. This causes the dog to crave feces to "claim" nutrients.

Some more serious diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid problems, can make your dog more hungry.


We've shared eight of the different types of dog poop below. Through the above information, we are sure that you can better recognize and understand the current condition of your dog at home.

However, it is not always applicable, so you need to compare and adjust the appropriate amount of food to help your dog better. If you don't feel better, you can contact your veterinarian directly.

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