There are now many dog training methods that are best for both your dog and you. When you find it difficult and confusing, there is even disagreement in the canine training community about which methods are effective and ethical, some of which are duplicated or used in tandem to get the same results. best results.
Below are some of the different types of dog training in use today.
1. Positive reinforcement of dog training

This is considered a popular method for trainers like Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz, who trained the Obamas' Bo.
There is a simple theory behind this method. This means that the dog will repeat the good behavior when it is rewarded. Bad behavior receives no reward or recognition. Case in need of repair
If repairs are needed, this will take the form of removing a reward such as a toy or gift that was taken away. You don't need to be harshly reprimanded or physically punished.
The process for this training method begins with rewarding the desired behavior immediately, within seconds of it occurring. Thereby, the dog associates the behavior with the reward.
Also, some people combine this method with clicker training (method number three below). It will give the dog a clear indication of exactly when the behavior will be completed. Some statements are short and to the point (Sit. Stay, Come).
Almost like positive reinforcement requires consistency. So everyone in the family needs to use the same commands and reward system.
Continuous rewards when your dog does the right thing. Next move on to intermittent rewards as their behavior becomes consistent. Sometimes beginner coaches inadvertently reward bad behavior. Like maybe letting dogs out when they start barking at another animal or dog.
You only perform desired behaviors to receive rewards, including snacks, toys, praise, and pets. However, it can easily be overfed when the dog is training, so use small treats when you want to enjoy the food.
On the other hand, this method is also great for learning commands, but you need to be patient to correct unexpected behaviors.
2. Scientific dog training

Science-based dog training is difficult to define, as it is largely based on information that is constantly being constructed and changed. This is to help you understand the dog's nature, its ability to be conditioned, and to deliver rewards and punishments effectively.
In addition, some animal behaviorists are constantly generating new studies and experiments to form an understanding of canine psychology. In addition, they also rely on these studies to work with dogs. For every behavior to be corrected, everything about that behavior must be understood.
Since most dog training is based on very broad science, it is difficult to pinpoint an overall methodology behind. In fact, there are many scientific dog training methods used by other forms of training.
It is often subject to operating conditions including positive reinforcement and, infrequently, punishment.
Science trainers believe that learning how to reinforce good behavior without rewards is also important and it influences the dog's psyche to find ways to improve non-binding relationships.
Scientific training is based on doing a lot of research and staying up to date with new research. This is also a reason for professional trainers, often the method they use works whether you know the science behind them or not, and even other forms of training have adopted many methods. there.
Besides developing new research-based methods that aren't right for everyone. However, if you are the owner of them, you should stay informed and pay attention to new research.
3. Clicker dog training

This is a method based on operating conditions and many of the same principles as positive reinforcement. Clicker training can be grouped as positive reinforcement, not as a form of training on its own.
It mostly uses a device to make a quick, sharp noise, like a whistle or, as the name suggests, a clicking tool to signal to the dog when misbehavior is committed. Their main point is to signal the exact time when the desired behavior will end and the exact reward is clearly rewarded. Coaches can then use the click tool to shape new behaviors and then add verbal commands.
To do this, the dog needs to be tuned to recognize that a click means a reward is coming. Dogs can also combine with a behavior, a click and a reward. Finally verbal commands can be introduced to form a new association.
You should learn new coaching techniques and shape the basics into more complex tasks. Many professional trainers have used this method.
While it's great for learning new behaviors, clicker training doesn't have to be appropriate to limit unwanted behaviors. When used in conjunction with other training methods, it can be very effective in ensuring you have a dog that behaves correctly.
4. Electronic dog training

This method will rely on using an electric collar to shock or spray lemongrass essential oil when the dog is not doing the desired task. This is mainly used for long distance training when a leash cannot be used.
You can also use a shock collar to train your dog to stay within the boundaries of an unfenced yard. Remote collars can teach dogs to work in the fields or on hunting jobs. As some have argued that these devices pose a less risk of injury than choking collars or other mechanical devices.
At the same time, there are also many problems with this training method. It will rely on punishment for bad behavior instead of rewards.
There are still a number of other issues that can create a lot of stress and lead to permanent anxiety problems for dogs. These devices are intended for use by inexperienced pet parents and should be used sparingly. As this can cause a lot of pain both physically and psychologically for the dog.
Mainly used for, if you are a casual trainer can be an alternative solution to help dogs stress and pain much less.
Before using electronic devices, consult an expert on proper use and alternative behavior modification.
5. Model rival (mirror dog training)

This is how dogs learn by observation. The trainer provides a good behavior model or a competitor for resources, so the dog learns to imitate the behaviors.
Thus, a coach takes another person's actions as a role model, praising them for completing the task as ordered or scolding them for doing it later. So the dog, as the observer, learns to do right from the model.
Alternatively, the model can act as a competitor, competing to do the right task for a desired toy or as a reward, encouraging the dog to take on the task and complete it faster.
Model training is based on some of the same principles, like using the parent dog as a model, then offering rewards for mimicking good behavior. Often dogs will use their natural instincts to act socially rather than against them. The same level of operational success such as positive reinforcement and operant conditioning. However, some trainers may find it more natural and appropriate. If your dog has a close relationship and he spends a lot of time watching you and watching you around.
6. Dominance or alpha dog training

This is a method based on the instinctive herd mentality of dogs to create a submissive and dominating relationship.
According to the theory dogs see their family as their pack and follow a social hierarchy. Once dogs see them as alpha, they need to learn to respect humans as alpha and be submissive instead.
Some of the methods used in the technique include understanding the dog's body language and responding appropriately, which demonstrates confidence and authority, and staying ahead when it comes to eating, getting in and out of a room, or walking. chain.
If your dog wants to go outside, they must sit before you open the door. Or even if they want to eat, they have to wait calmly while you prepare the food.
In general alpha training, do not allow the dog on furniture with you including the bed. Even if you don't look down at the dog's eye level. This demonstrates signs for your dog of equal standing in the relationship.
Often some modern trainers say this technique is outdated, because according to research dogs don't rely much on pack psychology.
While modern coaches can curb undesirable behaviors, they often find it outdated. At the same time, it doesn't address the underlying cause of the bad behavior and leaves the dog feeling anxious or scared. However, it can be difficult or even dangerous for children or the elderly.
7. Relationship that based on dog training

This is a relationship-based training method that combines different training methods, but still focuses on an individualized approach for both dogs and people.
At the same time, this method tries to meet the needs of the dog and the trainer, in order to promote communication and strengthen the relationship.
What's more, this requires the trainer to know how to read the dog's body language, know what rewards motivate the dog, and how to meet the dog's basic needs before each training session begins.
Like a dog that has to learn to "sit" in a quiet room before doing commands in the park with squirrels and children and avoiding other distractions. Then the difficulty will increase gradually.
Once the dog does not perform the desired behavior, the trainer needs to find out why instead of punishing.
This method helps deepen and meaningful relationships, but it takes time and patience. While not enough to distinguish it from other training methods, it includes many aspects of other successful methods.
What different types of dog training are right for your dog? This all depends on the dog's personality, their environment, including the goals you want to train to apply to your dog.
We hope that the information we provide you will help you find a method for dog training.