Dog peeing on your lawn is a common issue among dog parents. It has never been an easy problem to solve for any parent, whether they are first hand experienced or not. If you have a yard or garden, it can be one of your dog's spots for peeing.
Not many people are pleased about it because a dog's urine can lead to grass damage. That is why some parents have been finding ways to prevent their dogs from peeing on the lawn. Seeing this issue occurring, we now have several methods to cope with dogs’ urine on the lawn and prevention against it.
Clarifying to your dog where he or she can pee

This sounds like there is a lot of hard work. It is, indeed. When your dog first arrives at the new home, it would not understand where it should not pee. If your dog finds any spot that makes it feel comfortable and private enough, it will consider the spot as the ideal place. This can be within the house, or on the lawn.
It is not fixed for dogs. However, they are more likely to pee at the same spot if they can smell the urine. Especially, as the last time they pee at the spot, not shouting, no punishment is conducted, dogs will understand that they have gone to the right place.

Clarifying the right spot here can be understood as potty training for dogs. It is best to carry out this training when your dog is 3 to 4 months old. It is possible to train earlier or later, but they won't get used to it as quickly as the mentioned period. When you start to train the puppy, use a paper towel with a little of its urine and leave the towel in the tray for smelling.
Limiting your dog's space for the first two weeks for potty training is also advisable. The time spent will stimulate the potty habit. After these 2 weeks, extend your dog's space. The result will come after approximately one month of doing so. For the potty or any training, you must be patient for a successful outcome. During the process, if your dog pees in the wrong place, it is completely normal. Do not hit the dog in case it happens.

There are clickers and sprayers that can support you in the dog potty training process. But you should keep in mind that they are not always as effective as promoted. Hence, try to follow the steps we have introduced and be patient. For animal training, patience is the key.
Not So Realistic Methods Of Clarifying The Spot

For other measurements, in terms of clarifying your dog the spots she can lay her dumps, including putting on a signal, are not as effective as expected or rumored. Dogs are animals, not each of them reads signs and letters. Thus, we think putting a red signal is not so realistic.
When your dog pees on your lawn, you can ask them nicely for the first time or second time. But if that happens too many times, we all know that asking nicely is not working. As we have said, it should come with a small punishment. It is not animal abuse but training.
Displacing a dog urine repellent

Apart from potty training, we find out that displacing a dog’s urine repellent on the lawn is quite effective to prevent dogs from peeing on it. There are many types of repellents existing. Nonetheless, we only see a few works well for dogs. You can choose to buy products from this section or make some DIY sprayer liquid. Thousands of dog urine repellents are available in stores or online. You should go for the citrus scent. That is the most powerful repellent.
If purchasing a dog urine repellent does not sound ideal to you, how about making a DIY sprayer? It sounds fun and exciting enough for us. Here are a few formulas you can try to do at home. They are easy to follow and very cheap.
Vinegar makes a practical solution

Vinegar is a cheap and easy-to-find ingredient. When making a dog urine repellent, you will need white vinegar and apple vinegar. This is one of the best combinations for sprayers. As you mix these types together, go for the portion of 1 white vinegar and 2 apple vinegar. After mixing them carefully, pour them into a sprayer for usage. Remember to shake it before you use it properly.
Citrus scented substances

For this way, you may have to find the citrus-scented liquid, which is more difficult than vinegar. However, citrus scent is a powerful repellent against a dog's urine. Find citrus-scented substances, then pour a little water into them for usage. You can replace it with drenching citrus peeling in water for one day. The result may not be as effective as the citrus-scented liquid, but we believe it is more pet-friendly. Citrus, in general, has a lovely smell that makes us feel fresh and relaxing. But for dogs, this one is really a strong repellent.
The pet-friendliness needs attention because you cannot avoid the situation that your dog can smell and lick. It is normal for dogs. Nonetheless, dogs should not have access to toxic chemicals as they can lead to serious health conditions, especially for small dogs. That's why we would highly recommend the pet-friendly formulas to the opposite ones if you make a DIY repellent. If you want to be certain about your pet, instead of making a sprayer, you can leave the citrus peeling directly on the ground. It has quite the same outcome.
Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds make another realistic and affordable choice. After using coffee grounds, you may want to save them for later usage. Spread the used coffee grounds evenly on the lawn or spots where your dog should not pee.
A small notification of using coffee grounds is that though this is a dog repellent, it needs high caution when you use it. It is because coffee grounds are not good for your dog’s digestion system when absorbed or even a little tasted. Mature dogs with appropriate training may not taste or lick the coffee grounds. However, the case is vice versa for smaller dogs or those with improper training.
Apple vinegar and lime juice

The last formula that works well to prevent your dogs from peeing on the lawn is the combination of apple vinegar and lime juice. You can easily purchase these ingredients from convenience stores or find them at home. They are all familiar with households. This combination can be used as a dog repellent and a cleaning liquid for your kitchen. Mix them with the 1:1 portion for each usage.
For the formula of apple vinegar and lime juice, you don't have to worry about your pet getting any health condition because this one is safe enough for small and big dog breeds.
Final Thoughts
These lines are our final words about the topic. We think that preventing your dog from peeing on the lawn is not so difficult. It can come from training or displacing repellents. There are other ways as we have mentioned, but we think that these two are the most practical and effective methods. We have gone into details, and we hope that you will find the aforementioned ways helpful.