There are numerous ways to stop a dog from barking, including the use of an anti-bark device. If you have a dog that is truly unable to control his barking, the anti-barking device may be the perfect solution for you.
The anti-barking device notifies the owner when the dog barks. When the dog barks, the device makes an unpleasant noise in an effort to train the dog to stop.
However, the best way to stop a dog from barking is to teach the dog not to do it by associating barking with unpleasant outcomes, such as scolding. The dog is not harmed by the anti-barking device, but it may cause some stress and anxiety.
Depending on the breed or size of your pet, there are various anti-barking devices that can be used.

How To Use Anti Barking Device
Distraction toys
A dog's barking triggers can be effectively avoided by using toys. They also offer mental stimulation and aid in overcoming boredom. Find dog toys that will keep your dog entertained by stuffing them with kibble or other treats so they have to work for them.
How to use:
If you know when your dog starts to bark, you can give him a toy distraction before the trigger happens. The trigger may then go unnoticed because your dog is so focused on getting the food. When you leave the house, toys are a great way to entertain your dog. If there are other things to do, your dog will be less likely to worry about you being gone or to bark at people outside the window. Toys are a great way to keep your dog entertained while you're away from home. Your dog will be less likely to worry about you being gone or to bark at passersby if there are other things to do.

Ultrasonic devices
In response to barking, noise-making machines make high-pitched noises. Dogs can hear the noise, which is ultrasonic and therefore inaudible to humans. They dislike the tone, so it serves as a corrective, and it ends when the barking does. Your dog will therefore learn that barking causes noise, while remaining silent causes the noise to disappear.
There are versions of these devices for indoor and outdoor use. As long as the dog is within the machine's range, both react to barking. If you have more than one dog and they are both barkers, this is a bonus. The outdoor devices are also great for quieting dogs in your neighbors' yards, which can stop your dog and theirs from engaging in barking matches. However, be aware that all of your dogs will receive the device's correction if you have multiple dogs and only one of them barks in excess.
How to use:
To get guidance on these devices and the right one for your dog, talk with a professional trainer. Placement is essential because these devices have a limited operating range. Your dog needs to be facing the machine and within the microphone's detection range for it to work. The dog is not harmed by the anti-barking device, but it may create some stress and anxiety. In order to protect their animals from harm, owners should be careful not to play music too loudly.
Vibration collars
A vibration collar is a kind of training collar for dogs that vibrates briefly when the button is pressed. Depending on the requirements of the dog, the length and intensity of the vibration can be changed. The most typical uses for these collars include training dogs to follow commands and reducing excessive barking. Additionally, they are secure and humane, which makes them a preferred option for trainers and dog owners.
When the button is pressed, a brief vibration burst is released by a vibration collar. The dog is not hurt or distressed by the vibration, but it startles them and draws their attention. Depending on the needs of the dog, the vibration's intensity can be changed.
How to use:
It's time to put your dog's collar on after you've chosen the appropriate style. Snug but not so tight, the collar should better fit. Your dog should feel at ease while wearing the collar in order to prevent agitation or discomfort. The vibration unit should be snugly positioned at the middle of the throat and you should be able to slide one finger under the collar along the back of your dog's neck. These devices have intensity settings, so be sure to only set the volume as high as is necessary to stop your dog from barking. Be aware that your dog might come to depend on the vibration from the collar to keep him quiet. Rewarding your dog for good behavior is crucial every time it occurs.
It might take the form of food rewards, pet attention, or verbal affirmation. Rewarding your dog will increase the likelihood that they'll carry out the desired behavior in the future. Using a vibration collar to train your dog requires consistency. Every time they engage in undesirable behavior, the collar must be put on. If you are inconsistent, your dog won't know what is expected of them and the training won't be as successful.

Spray collars
Spray bark collars are recommended as an alternative to a shock collar for training. A lightweight, plastic collar called a citronella anti-bark collar fits around your dog's neck and doesn't shock or make a loud noise. The spray is intended to cause your dog some mild discomfort. Although water or lemon juice are also options for these collars, citronella is the most common ingredient. The primary use of citronella is to deter mosquitoes. Insect repellents, tiki torch oil, and wax candles are common products that contain the oil. The citronella plant is poisonous to dogs, but the collars only have trace amounts of the herb. Therefore, your dog is unlikely to exhibit toxic symptoms unless they chew the collar and consume the oil. If you decide to use this approach, keep a close eye out for skin rashes and irritation in your pet.
How to use:
For advice on these products and suitable for your dog, speak with a qualified trainer. Adjust the collar so that the sprayer is correctly angled. Be aware that these collars can only hold so many sprays at once. You will need to replenish them frequently, more so for frequent barkers. Your dog might learn that the spray only occurs when the collar is on, similar to how the vibration collar works. However, you shouldn't keep your dog's bark-deterrent collar on all day long.

Although barking is a dog's natural instinct, too much of it can be a nuisance. In order to discourage this behavior, anti-bark devices were developed. The devices do function when used properly, even though there is disagreement over whether they are humane or not. They're not intended to make dogs stop barking. They are designed to stop overzealous barking. Three categories exist: citronella, shock, and ultrasonic sound. Any that works for you can be selected. If you don't want to use the devices, you can still help your dog with any underlying problems by engaging them in exercise, socialization, and obedience training.