• Cats
  • How To Calm A Stressed Cat After Moving

How To Calm A Stressed Cat After Moving

By Jane SmithLast update: 2024-09-03

According to the cat's personality, cats like predictable routines, the movement of which can upset the cat.

However, if you are planning to move, there are ways to make the process as smooth as possible. For starters, give your pet plenty of time to pack to give the pet time to acclimate. If you don't board the train on moving day, keep your pet in a closed room while packing boxes and belongings. To take these steps, learn more about how to calm a stressed cat after moving.

1. Making packing

Bring out the moving box soon

It's a good idea to empty moving boxes around your house a few weeks before your move-in date. Continue to fill them up for a few days to give the cat a chance to explore.

They may even enjoy playing in the empty cells. It will worry less about packing if the cat finds the boxes interesting and not dangerous.

Pack things gradually

Take the steps slowly, as packing things up all of a sudden will stress your cat. You can maintain a sense of security for your pet by packing one room at a time.

As mentioned above, cats love predictability and are not a fan of sudden changes. Pets will be happier if you pack up gradually and let them stick to their normal routines a lot.

Keep the cat in a familiar room

Some cats may panic if it is around when filling the box. While you're busy packing, move your cat into an enclosed room with food, water, toys, a bed, and a litter box. An empty bedroom or room where cats like to nap or play.

Besides, you need to pack dangerous or delicate items at a time, and keeping the cat in a closed room will keep them out of trouble.

In particular, before releasing from the room, make sure any boxes you stack are secure and watch out for other hazards involved.

Also, always try to keep your cat away from the packing boxes to avoid injury. If possible, you should clean the cat's room last so that the cat has a quiet and safe space during the packing process.

Adhere to pet habits

It's certainly difficult to stick to everything for cats like maintaining a feeding schedule. Plus, packing can take up a lot of time but try to take regular breaks to play and cuddle with your pet.

2. Keeping cats safe on moving day

Train your cat to stay in a kennel or crate

Familiarize your cat with spending time in a kennel or crate in preparation for a trip.

Feed your cat meals and treats inside the crate when the door is open. Then, keep it in a closed bin or container for progressively longer periods.

The cribs or supports should be just wide enough for the cat to turn around.

Always praise the cat when you put it in the cage. And always keep a normal, stress-free cat.

Once you've finished training your cat to spend time in the crib, practice giving it short walks to get used to the movement.

Keep the cat in a quiet room while you load the moving truck

Put water, toys, bed, and litter box in the room. Always close the door and leave a note on the door so that no one accidentally lets the cat escape.

If you're traveling with your cat later in the day, feed it a light snack in the morning to help prevent motion sickness.

On the other hand, if your cat isn't stressed on the day of the complete move, consider getting in the car.

And ask your vet or search online to find a cat groomer who has or has a friend babysit at home.

Transporting the cat in a carrier

Keep the cat in the carrier when you bring it to a new home. Make sure the transport is well ventilated, maintains a comfortable temperature, and secures the transport so that it does not slide when the vehicle makes sudden turns or stops.

Also, to keep them calm, place a towel, pillow, or soft toy with a familiar scent in the cage. This provides reassurance by occasionally talking to it in a high-pitched, soft voice.

You can also consult your veterinarian for other recommendations or be recommended a soothing supplement, like Zylkene.

Take a short break if you are driving long distances

If the trip is more than an hour or longer, pack the water, portable litter box, litter, spoon, disposable bag, and cat harness first.

Then, stop every 2 or 3 hours to let your cat stretch, drink water, and use the litter box. If there is room in the car, place the litter tray on the floor and see if the cat gets active.

If there is no space, place the trash can on the ground outside the vehicle. Make sure not to let the cat out of the car unless it is tightened.

Sometimes placing the tray is uncomfortable, so arrange the litter box as soon as you reach your destination. Just put it in a closed room and give the cat some privacy to encourage it to go outside.

3. Introducing a new home to the cats

Set up a safe room with cat stuff

You should place your cat's food, water, bedding, litter box, and other essentials in a quiet and safe room in your new home. Then bring the carrier into the room and release the cat.

Remember to keep the pet in the room for a few days or until it seems comfortable with its new surroundings.

If the room doesn't need to be set up yet, this is also a good way for the cat to acclimate without having the furniture and boxes cluttered around.

A calming pheromone room spray, like Feliway. These sprays have a scent that makes cats feel calm and reassured.

In particular, when unpacking boxes and furniture, put a sign on the door so that no one accidentally lets the cat out.

Keep hiding places, climbing perches, and scratching posts in the room to enrich the pet's environment. Empty boxes should be entertaining.

Pheromone spray or diffuser

Check with your veterinarian if they offer artificial pheromones, or look for products online and at pet stores.

A diffuser or spray of product in the cat's room helps reassure the cat of its new surroundings.

Artificial pheromones are similar to the scent cats use to mark territory and are used to help relieve stress in cats.

Cat scent

Before letting your cat play in her new home, gently rub a clean cloth over her face. Sweep fabric around the house to help make the cat feel comfortable.

What's more, you might observe your cat enjoying rubbing her face against everything from your sofa to your shins. Because cats do this to mark their territory or spray artificial pheromones around the house.

Let the cat explore the house 1 room at a time

Perhaps the cat may be hiding and seeming insecure at first. When it stops hiding, playing, purring, and seems confident, remove the cat from the room so it can explore other areas of the house. Furthermore, having full control of the house at once can be stressful for your cat, so gradually expose her to her new surroundings.

Or let the cat play and reward her to stay calm. Then have it explore a room or area of your house for 10 or 15 minutes, returning it to the safe room. It certainly takes a few days for your cat to get used to the whole house.

Always make sure the areas you let your cat explore are free of stacked boxes, breakables, and hazards like don't let your cat in the kitchen if glasses, plates, forks, and knives cover the counters.

Make sure the cat is stable before releasing it

If you intend to let your cat outside, give the cat about a month to get used to the new home. Instead of starting with a strange space, a meal begins to get used to a new space.

After 5 to 10 minutes, call back inside and offer food. If a casual meal doesn't garner her interest, offer a dish with a strong odor, like tuna.

Take your cat outside on gradual supervised walks outside once a day.


In addition to the ways, we guide how to calm a stressed cat after moving, before you let the cat out, sprinkle some of its used litter around the perimeter of the yard. As crude as it may seem, it will teach cats territorial boundaries and keep them from getting lost.

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