• Cats
  • How To Prevent Your Cats From Scratching Leather Furniture

How To Prevent Your Cats From Scratching Leather Furniture

By Jane SmithLast update: 2023-03-01

If you have ever adopted an adorable kitty, you will know the struggle of your kitty scratching around the house. Some first-hand experienced parents would go crazy about this.

The major reason behind their annoyance or even impotence to the problem is that they have not acknowledged well why cats scratch. The scratching of cats can reveal remarkable about their emotional or mental health conditions.

Now let's discuss the causes further and methods to prevent your kitties from scratching furniture, especially the leather ones.

1. Why Do Our Cats Scratch Furniture?

How To Prevent Your Cats From Scratching Leather Furniture
Before discussing the solutions, we must first look into the reasons behind a cat's scratching over stuff in the house. We have been observing and studying cats' behaviors to come to several conclusions below.

It is an instinct

If dogs have the instinct to bite, chew things, or dig, it is the same case for cats. It is a normal thing for cats, whether they are still kittens or mature ones, they have the need to scratch.

Some owners may not appreciate the instinct and have been trying to find ways to reduce the scratching of cats. The disappreciation can come from their fear of getting scratches from their own cats.

Fear is never a bad reason. They do have a point. Cases of serious injuries caused by cats' scratching exist. Particularly, the new parents who raise both cats and children have the suitable reason to be afraid of scratching. The risk is not only on them but also their kids.

On the other hand, there are parents who accept the instinct and find ways to improve the scratching. They do not figure out how to reduce the scratching but offer their cats with logs and scratching posts.

Cats mark their territories through scratching on things

Another instinctual reason why cats scratch on things is explained through this. Cats do not simply scratch for no causes behind. When they have not been tamed and become domestic animals, they have the habit of scratching to mark their territories, like any other animal in the wild.

The case is similar to one familiar and common pet, which is the dog. Dogs leave their urine to mark their territories against others. Cats would scratch instead of leaving their urine all over the place.

When cats scratch places you and them sit, they are announcing that those locations are yours. As the kitty scratches, a certain amount of scent is released and left as a mark.

Scratching is good for their physical health

In case you haven't known this, cats need to scratch so that they can get rid of the dead skin and old nails to have space for their new ones. This is necessary for their claws. If a cat does not get its nails trimmed properly or regular scratching, the dead skin and old nails will keep growing. Then, the nails can stab into her skin and hurt her.

The scratching can express how your kitty is feeling

A scratch can tell you a lot about how your cat is feeling. It can be a sign of excitement and playfulness. Mild scratching often represents the positive case. If the kitty scratches the proper spot, it would be pleasant for both the kitty and her owner.

In other situations, your cat is scratching because he or she can have engaged in a fight against another animal. This one is sometimes the inspiration for funny memes we see on the internet daily. But it is still a negative story in real life.

Nonetheless, if scratching goes with other specific expressions, it can be a warning of your kitty's being stressed. Stress can go from the living environment or sudden changes around the house or physical conditions.

2. Ways To Stop Your Cats From Scratching Leather In The House

We have clarified the reasons why cats scratch you. It is not simply a hobby of cats, but an instinct and a way to express their feelings or health conditions (both mentally and physically).

Many people complain about cats' scratching cats ruins their leather couches. It is not a pleasure, we must admit. Thus, the question raised is how to prevent your cats from scratching leather furniture. It will be answered in the upcoming lines. The solutions are easier than you expect. Therefore, you don't need to worry much about the issue.

Trimming her nails often

Trimming your kitty's nails is the first thing you need to do if you don't want her to scratch the furniture, including your leather chairs. Trimming nails is not as scary as some people may tell you. Your kitty, obviously, can not cooperate at first because she is scared of the nail clipper.

There are three things to remember when you trim your cat's nails. Firstly, you would need a nail clipper for pets. You cannot use the same one for humans because the two structures are not equal to one another.

Secondly, when trimming the nails of your kitty, pay close attention to the length. Their nails are not like the humans' nails at all. If not carefully trimmed, you can cut their skin while doing the task.

Finally, how long should you trim the nails? We suggest that your kitty's nails should be trimmed every one or two weeks for the best result. Normally, one week is the period for a cat's nails to get long. It also depends on your kitty.

Offering a suitable alternative

Your cat only scratches the leather furniture because he or she does not have the spot to do so around the house. And so far, the leather couch is the ideal place. It is not your kitty's fault, keep in mind this.

Hence, when you happen to catch her red-handed, don't be angry and shout at the kitty. The shouting and anger can harm your kitty's mentality and later behaviors.

What we should do is replace her ideal-for-now spot with a scratching post hanging some eye-catching toys on it. Your cat will gradually leave the leather couch alone and scratch her post.

If you want to train your kitty, you should let her get used to the scratching post first. After that, treat her with a favorite snack right away. If she scratches the wrong place, mild punishment or talk can do well.

Using repellents and protection layers in the spots you don't want her to scratch

We are talking about repellents against cats and protections for your leather furniture. We will clarify the term cat repellents first. These are substances, which can either be homemade or purchased. They usually come in the form of sprayers. The most popular scents are citrus, coffee, and rosemary.

For furniture protection, you can purchase them online or offline at reasonable costs. Some common protectors are plastic and adhesive covers. They are all affordable for cat parents. You can also use fabric covers as a blanket to your chairs as a protecting layer.


Cats' scratching can leave undesirable results on our furniture, and sometimes, it is a natural reaction to get angry. However, when you agree to adopt a kitty, you must keep in mind that this issue can and will happen. It is a part of the whole adoption. There are ways to prevent your cat from scratching the leather furniture as we have aforementioned. The key factor here is your patience. Our motto is that we raise a pet with a loving heart and compassion.

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