The cat scratching post is a harmless piece of furniture. It is simply a pole or plank covered with carpet or rope. However, this simple item can help alleviate a lot of headaches when it comes to cat owners by helping the breeder redirect the cat's natural tendencies, thereby improving the cat's health. So what are the benefits of scratching posts for cats?
Benefits of scratching post for cats
Scratching helps to remove the outer coating of the nail

Technically, cats don't scratch to sharpen their nails. Under the old nail, the outside of the cat's claw is a new, healthy, and fully grown sharp nail. Since cats have no way of getting their nails trimmed, they look for several ways to get the job done. So the act of scratching is to help the cat get the healthy nails underneath the back sharp.
Sharp claws are important to cats, as they are used to dig deep into the wood and other materials when trying to climb difficult positions. Cats can jump very high, but their ability to scratch things like fences and tree trunks is also amazing. Presumably, cats also use their nails as weapons when hunting, helping them catch and hold their prey. Scratching helps them keep their claws sharp, allowing them to climb behind and hold onto their prey.
Cats scratch to mark territory
They have scent glands in their paws. By kneading, they release their scent onto the object they are kneading, and with this scent, cats mark their territory. When cats scratch, the scent also radiates on the scratched object, which also helps them mark their territory. But scratching has an added benefit of marking territory that kneading doesn't. Scratching also helps all cats visually mark their territory.
Mechanism of stress relief for cats
Cats tend to place their claws along the head and pull when scratching the post, and there's a lot of movement going on in the cat's body before the scratching takes place. All of those stretches help increase blood flow to the muscles, which in turn increases your cat's flexibility, range of motion, and even stress relief. Certain scratching acts help calm cats down, preventing their anxiety.
What is the best way to scratch a cat?

Often breeders make the mistake of choosing a personal attraction post. A little knowledge will go a long way in finding the right spot for the old cat. The trick is to choose a post from the cat's point of view. The key features to look for when choosing a good scratching post for cats are:
- Height and strength
- Materials to scratch
- Variant of materials and surfaces
- Vertical and horizontal surface directions
- Cats love high-scratch cards
Then you choose a post that is tall enough for the cat to fully reach out when scratching. She can straighten her body and pull those back and shoulder muscles, which is beneficial for the cat's health and flexibility.
On the other hand, cats also need a key piece of information to attract them.
The robustness of the pier is of particular importance for several reasons. First, if the pole wobbles, the cat won't use it. This is one of the reasons cats love to scratch closets and couches – extremely stable. Second, a swaying pole can be unsafe and the cat knows this. An unstable pole could flip and fall on your cat. Third, the higher the post, the more research it needs.
On the other hand, cats can be injured or even killed by a large, unstable scratching post that falls on them. So make sure you look for posts that have an extremely heavy base.
Cats love sturdy materials
You should find cat scratch cylinders in a variety of materials. However, most of these are not appealing to them. Some materials you already have in the house, like carpet. The cat may not understand why it is possible to scratch some rugs in the column and not on the floor. Plus, the mat isn't rough enough, and the rings tend to get caught in the cat's claws and tug at the toes. The sisal fabric is a good option to consider. It's a heavy material, feels great on cats, and shreds comfortably under the claws.
Keeping claws healthy
Scratching helps your cat remove layers from its claws. At the same time, removing those dead layers is an important part of keeping their claws healthy, sharp, and ready for action.
They help cats stretch
The high scratching post will help the cat stretch the entire body as well as the paws. This, in turn, is great for cats as it helps them keep their muscles in tip-top shape.
Maintain your cat's exercise
Standing on hind legs, straightening, and sticking claws into the thread of the post is a great way for cats to release pent-up energy and move.
Protect household belongings
The cat scratch post will prevent your cat from breaking your furniture, curtains, or even carpet. You also have to lure your cat to scratch the pole.
How to select a scratching post
1. Types of rake
1.1 Cardboard lessons

Cardboard posts are usually for first-time cat owners because they are relatively inexpensive. They are easy to replace and are designed to lie flat or tilted on the floor. A horizontal cardboard scratcher should have enough space for the cat to stand up and scratch at the same time.
1.2. Sisal-coated rake head
Rake posts covered with sisal wire are also a popular choice. Cats often like to run their claws over the rough surface of the sisal, as their paws and claws have a great sense of resistance. Columns covered with this heavy material are more expensive than those made of corrugated cardboard. But because the material is durable, it usually lasts many years before it needs to be replaced.
1.3. Carpet-covered rake

Usually, the rakes are covered with the carpet material. Cats love to scratch this material because of its similarity to carpeting and stairs. But when cats continue to scratch on stairs and carpeted floors, experts recommend switching to scratching posts made of other materials.
2. Fixtures for rake posts
The robustness and stability of the rake post is an important factors to consider. It is more important than the material used. The sturdy base ensures that the post won't wobble or fall when the cat scratches it hard. An unstable scratching post can injure a cat when it flips over. For taller posts, check if the base is heavier to avoid unfortunate situations.
3. Cats prefer a higher scratching post

The height of the rake post is also an important factor to consider. The taller and stronger the pole, the more likely your cat will prefer it to your carpeted floor or furniture. The high scratching post allows your cat to straighten her body and pull her shoulder and back muscles back, which enhances her flexibility and overall health.
4. Position of poles
The location of the scratching post in the house can greatly affect the kitten's acceptance of the scratching post. If there are many cats in the house, place scratching posts in places where cats often hang out or hang out. If your cat ignores the new scratch post, try rubbing some cat mint or placing a treat on the post. In addition, you can also hang a toy mouse or any other predatory toy to pique the cat's curiosity.
The benefits of scratching posts for cats brings many benefits to the cat and is also indispensable when you have a cat at home. Not only does it help alleviate some important concerns about cat ownership, particularly scratching behavior in cats. Having one or two scratching posts around will give your cat a "legitimate" scratching surface instead of running his claws across the carpet or furniture and destroying valuables in the home.
That's why it's so common that we want to summarize the content in this article so you can find a suitable cat item.