If you've never had a cat, think of cats as aloof, aloof, uncaring, and nothing but affectionate. Showing your affection for your cat needs to be understood every step of the way. In addition, you should also read and react to the signs it gives you, you can learn how to show affection to the cat. Below is a post sharing how cats show affection.
1. How to recognize and respond to the feelings
1.1 Ready for the cat

Many dogs tend to react to any opportunity for attention by running, meowing, and drooling in appreciation. Cats are more likely to want to dictate when and when to show affection, although they may want to push it from time to time.
It's also really hard to show affection if you're never around, so be a parent to your cat when you can. Just sitting in the same room, your cat will have the opportunity to show affection and give clues that it wants to be reciprocated.
In addition, you should also talk to the cat when you're spending time together. Whether or not your cat is learning to recognize any speech, the act of talking creates an opportunity for interaction that can be reciprocated in the cat's preferred way.
If your cat is left alone for long periods, play with her before you go outside and create an environment where she can entertain herself, such as having toys available and a high seat where she can watch. what's going on outside. Then be sure to play with the cat when you get back.
1.2 Express yourself through sharing actions with cats

While most cats are content with their environment, that doesn't mean they prefer being solitary creatures. A cat that wants to be included in its circle will look for proof of your acceptance of this inclusion.
The cheek rub (aka "hair roll") famously performed by cats — often a full body rub from nose to tail — is their way of marking you with their scent. Cats release pheromones from glands in their cheeks and use this scent cue to affirm you. Simply allowing this to happen is an easy way to show affection by accepting affection.
1.3 Appreciate being selected
Cats, like humans, love to give gifts to those they love, although these gifts could be a dead mouse placed on a pillow instead of a bouquet of roses. With luck, the gift might just be a favorite toy.
A cat sleeping on or near its owner is a sign of affection. Cats, like any animal, are very vulnerable when sleeping and need complete trust in your affection and protection to sleep very close to you. So even if you don't want to share a bed with your cat, doing so shows appreciation and affection on the part of the owner.
1.4 Watch for signs of trust

In addition to showing trust by lying close, cats can show vulnerability by stretching out and exposing their belly and bottom.
Be aware, however, that many cats may show their bellies without actually wanting you to put them there. Watch for signs of wanting to be petted or gently stroked your cat's belly and see if you can get away without being scratched and/or bitten. Besides, sometimes the best way to show affection to cats is to let them show affection and accept it amicably.
1.5 Continue to take the necessary steps
Some cats aren't afraid to show affection, others seem aloof because they're waiting to show their affection first — or at least to put themselves in a position where they can show affection in a meaningful way. respectable. Some cats just want you to make a fuss about them first.
A glimpse of a cat makes them nervous; that's what predators do right before they attack. Lower yourself to the level of cat. Sit or squat so they can more or less face you. When petting, instead of lowering your hand from above (like a hawk swooping down), bring your hand from the side or below and gradually move it up over the cat's head.
Don't chase a nervous cat. Many cats will be more likely to approach you if you ignore them. When they finally get close, let them smell you before trying to touch them. If your cat's ears are tucked behind their head, it means they don't like what they're doing, so go back and try something else they might like. Let the cat sniff your hand, if they lean away, don't pet them at that time. If a kitten rubs your hand, they want to be petted.
1.6 Recognizing signs of affection
Some cats love to be petted, others simply tolerate it, and some simply don't like it. The best way to find out is to gently stroke the cat in a "safe" spot like along its spine and gauge its response. For example, growling is a good positive sign. Petting a cat that doesn't want or like it can cause undue stress and would not be considered affection.
On the other hand, you should encourage your cat to "sink" by raising your index finger at the cat's eye level, a short distance away, or even across the room. Most cats will interpret this as a sign that the owner wants to be rubbed and marked.
"Cat kisses" — slow blinks of half-closed, sleepy-looking eyes — are a classic sign of feline affection and you can easily respond.
1.7 Play with the cat

As with any pet, sharing playtime and entertainment is a sign of affection. Cats love to play; Find out what activities your child enjoys best and spend time each day playing together.
Most cats love to chase and catch things, so anything from toy mice to scrolls can make for a fun game. A ping pong ball taped to a string or a laser pointer that spins its beam along the floor (but never near a cat's eye) can also provide an entertaining exercise.
Cats love to climb and scratch, so consider a multi-tiered scratch pole, possibly with a goal or toy on top to provide a goal/challenge. Many cats like to hide in something like a cardboard box and pounce on a moving toy.
Keep play sessions relatively short and spread throughout the day. Don't force your cat to play or train, or playtime can quickly go awry. Cats also tend to get bored easily, so incorporate games and routines often. However, it's also important to always pay attention to how your cat reacts - no two cats are alike in their play preferences.
Spending time with your cat, not only to prevent possible injury — like the choking hazard caused by something as simple as a rope — but also to train and create bonding time with a friendly cat.
2. Show affection through regular attention
2.1 Feeding cats properly

To create a sense of closeness, it's a good idea to get some information from your veterinarian about your cat's specific nutritional needs, in general, most cats need three to four small meals a day, preferably food. High-quality cat food. Some human foods are suitable for cats, but others are not, and it is best to consult a veterinarian.
Be careful not to feed your cat too many calories, so use a portion of their usual food to compensate for when you give your cat a snack.
Forget the plate of milk. Cats have difficulty digesting cow's milk, instead, cats should be provided with clean water at all times (i.e. always keep a plate full of freshwater 24/7).
2.2 Give the cat personal space
Cats are often more sociable than what people appreciate about them, but they still like to have some points to themselves.
Even if your cat usually sleeps on or near you, provide her with a soft, comfortable, semi-isolated space to sleep and lie down. The blankets, bed sheets, and pillows are old but need cleaning.
Also, your cat's litter box should be in a quiet but easily accessible place and should be cleaned daily. If you have more than one cat, add a litter box.
3.3 Check cats at veterinary facilities as recommended
The cat may not see it that way at the time, but in the long run, what shows more affection than doing everything you can to make sure your cat lives a happy, healthy, and long life? Furthermore, veterinary care recommendations for cats will vary depending on factors such as your veterinarian's age, health history, and preferences, but typically one to two visits per year are recommended.
3.4 Keep the cat well-groomed

True, cats are quite adept at keeping themselves clean and looking good. But a little help from you applied properly, helps and (at least sometimes) is appreciated.
Often cats will allow themselves to be brushed if done gently and with the right tools. Try a pin brush for long-haired cats and a sleek brush for short-haired cats. Brush as needed to keep hair to a minimum. There are also specialized brushes and tools for more sensitive areas like around the eyes.
Also, cats need brushing, which is a great opportunity to check for fleas and ticks.
Through how cats show affection that we share, all help you somewhat about how to take care of cats. Usually, cats may like rubber bands and hair ties, but they are likely to eat them, which is very dangerous. Either way, things should be avoided; Make sure strings and similar toys are played with only under supervision. If swallowed by your cat, they can cause serious damage to your cat's intestinal tract. If the cat swallows it, don't pull it out of their mouth or tail.